Master Giuseppe Paterniti will be in Malta to hold a Tai Chi Seminar on Saturday 7th November at the HIIT Fitness Center in Pembroke! Master Paterniti is a full time professional and the Technical Director of AMHA (Alliance for Martial and Healing Arts) and Stone Temple Tao, a very famous school in the north of Italy, specializing in the tuition of Traditional Oriental Arts including Tajiquan and Qigong. During the seminar he will be sharing many years of experience in these arts.
Main topic of the seminar: The "Eight Forces" of Taiji Quan.
Two sessions will be held on Saturday 7th November - morning between 9,00 and 11,00 and evening between 18,00 and 20,00.
All those interested please contact the Malta Chen Taijiquan Association:
Phone +356 99457720
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